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Class Information and Time Table

Western Painting:

※The class is for 4th grader(10 years old) to adult .

※Normally, it is 2 hours for one class. But, for  the students who is younger than 6th grader(12 years old), the class hour will be 1 and half hour. 

※The class is designed for developing interest on art and preparing for art examinations.

※Please bring your OWN painting tools.

Chinese Calligraphy and Painting: (irregular course)

※The class is for 3rd grader(9 years old) to adult.

※Normally, it is 2 hours for one class. But, for  the students who is younger than 6th grader(12 years old), the class hour will be 1 and half hour. 

※The class is designed for developing interest on art and preparing for art examinations.

※Please bring your OWN brush pens, inkstone, and pigments. We offer you ink and papers during the class.

Children's Painting:

※The class is for 3 years old to 3rd grader(9 years old) kids.

※We offer all the stuff that kids will need during the class.

※Please book the seat every week. The booking will start from every Monday.

※If there is a spot, we will call the student on waiting list before the class start.


Open Hour: 

Wednesday 16:00~21:00

Thursday     10:00~20:30

Friday          10:00~21:00

Saturday     10:00~21:00

Sunday        16:00~18:00 

Please check the notification to see if we are off or not.


For more information, please contact us via the official LINE account and Facebook fan page!

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