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A Greeting From Alaska~

Start from Dec. 2019, our black tea travels around the world with our clients. Recently, we received some photos from our friend.

Tanya, the friend who lives in Alaska now, loves our organic Ruby black tea. She take some photos about our black tea on the snowy land. (And these are only a few of them!) Tanya works in a construction company, but she is also a fantastic sculptor. No wonder she set up our black tea as her own works. It’s very beautiful and it must took her a lot of time. It’s so touching!

You, who is sitting behind the scene. Did you get our Sun Moon Lake Ruby Black Tea? If you didn’t, we now offer a tea tasting time for you! Please send the messages or call us, thank you.

Welcome to book a time for tea tasting!

1. We only offer a set of people per time.

2. We only available on Mondays.

3. One set of booking time is One hour.

Don’t hesitate to contact us!


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