Is a journey into the Taiwanese culture through a foreigners eyes. While traveling and wandering around the country, I captured these interesting moments of local characteristics, cultural differences, similarities, and human nature, and gave them my interpretation with the magic of the aquarelle.
I'm glad to invite you to my first solo exhibition in Taiwan that will take place between February 10th to March 7th.
Avigail Ohana
Is an Israeli artist and artist-educator. Her artworks deal with various societal issues like cultures, traditions, and intergeneration.
Taiwan View
Exhibition Time|2025.2.10 ~ 2025.3.7
Place|Draw's Art Gallery
No. 318, Sec. 6, Minquan E. Rd., Neihu Dist., Taipei City 114747 , Taiwan
Open Time: Saturday-Wednesday 13:00-21:00(Thursday & Friday are only for reservation)
TEL:02-26306038 /26348662
Opening event
Time|2025.2.16 Sunday